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Look for 4.0 of 5 stars Free Business Forms

Word template  Business plan for startup business  Price $10.00
Version: Word 97 or later/PDF This business plan consists of a narrative and several financial spreadsheets. The narrative template is the body of the business plan. It contains more than 150 questions divided into several sections. (28 Pages)
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Excel template Start-up capital estimate    4.0 of 5 stars Free
Version: Excel 97 or later
Word template Checklist for sale of business   4.0 of 5 stars Free
Version: Word 97 or later
Excel template Start-up expenses  4.0 of 5 stars Free
Version: Excel 97 or later
Word template Business plan for an established business  Price $10.00
Version: Word 97 or later/PDF This business plan consists of a narrative and several financial spreadsheets. The narrative template is the body of the business plan. It contains more than 150 questions divided into several sections. (28 Pages)
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Excel template Business structure selector  Price $5.00
Version: Excel 2003

An excellent tool to help you decide which business structure (ex. Corporation, LLC) is right for you. This worksheet also includes tax calculations. (2 Sheets)

Word templateBusiness plan  Price $5.00
Version: Word 2003/PDF 052011

The Business Plan template can help your company assess a particular business opportunity and its potential impact within your industry. This template is structured as a formal plan that makes it easy for you to review such data as general industry information, your company's organizational structure, direct competition, and potential customers.

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Word template Bank loan request for small business  4.0 of 5 stars Free
Version: Word 97 or later
Word templateStrategic account business plan  Price $5.00
Version: Word 2003/PDF

Establishing a thorough account review strategy is vital to increasing sales and profit. You can use this Strategic Account Business Plan template to assemble information about a customer's or a prospect's background, the customer's or prospect's needs, and an action plan for working together over the next year. This template can help you to build a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship with your customers. (5 Pages)

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