Every corporation must have a Federal Employer Identification Number (E.I.N.) before it can open a bank account, hire employees or pay taxes. Please select from one of the following service options:
$35.00 Fee
$20.00 Fee
Please enter the information requested below. This information will be used for the purpose of preparing IRS Form SS-4 (Federal Employer Identification Number).
Principal Officer's Contact Information
Full Name:
Social Security Number:
Contact Telephone:
Contact Fax:
Before incorporation this business was:
Not in existence Sole ProprietorA Partnership
Employee Status Designation (ESTIMATE ONLY)
Will the Corporation have employees?
Yes No
Estimate the highest number of employees the corporation will have in the next 12 months:
-- Select Business Activity -- ConstructionReal EstateRental and Leasing Manufacturing Transportation and warehousing Finance and Insurance Health Care and Social Assistance Accomodation and Food Service Wholesale agent / Broker Wholesale otherRetail Other
Principal line of merchandise sold, specific construction work done, products produced, or services provided:
If corporation will have employees first
date wages will be paid: (estimate only)