Just complete this form. Click on Submit when ready to send.
Type of Entity General For Profit CorporationNon Profit CorporationLimited Liability Corporation Learn More
Contact Information
Please provide us with your contact information so that we may contact you for order confirmation. The shipping address you provide will be for our company records only; your corporate package and documents will be shipped to this address.
Full Name
City, State Zip
Day Phone
Eve Phone
Fax Phone
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Entity Information
Entity Name
Date of Formation
L.L.C. Organizer
Full Name:
Resident Agent Information
Please enter your Resident Agent information.
Resident Agent Full Name
Resident Agent Address
Resident Agent County
Corporate Officer's Information
Please enter your Corporate Officers information. (the same person can hold all positions)
President Name
Vice President Name
Secretary Name
Treasurer Name
Chair Name (LLC Only)
Corporate Director / Member Manager Information
Please enter your Corporate Director's / Member Manager's information. Directors Names if any:
Director #1:
City, State, ZIP:
Director #2:
Director #3:
Director #4:
Corporations with MORE than 4 Directors: Complete all information & speak with an EDJ representative to elect additional Directors AFTER you have submitted your completed order.
Business Description
Briefly describe, in less than 10 words, the type of business activities your corporation will be conducting.
Example: "Computer Sales and Service".
Authorized Shares & Par Value
Please indicate the number of shares your corporation will be authorized to issue and the par value for each share. NOTE: Changing the default values herein may result in the state imposing additional state filing fees and taxes.
Authorized Shares
Par Value
Important Dates
Annual Meeting Date:
Fiscal Year End: JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031
Proposed Name of Corporation
Please provide one preferred and two alternate corporate names below. Our staff will research your corporation’s name availability according to your order of preference.
One of the following must be included in your corporate name
None of the following may be included in your corporate name
Limited Liability Company
Ltd. Liability Company
Preferred Name:
Alternate Name 1
Alternate Name 2: